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A traditional night from Kamburoğlu AŞ

A traditional night from Kamburoğlu AŞ

Kamburoğlu Building Materials Inc. This year, it made a name for itself with the traditional event it organizes every year.

The 10th of Kamburoğlu Yapı Malzemeleri A.Ş.’s Traditional Plumbing and Ceramic Masters Seminar and Entertainment Night was held at Banana Hotel. Ali Kamburoğlu, Chairman of the Board of Kamburoğlu Yapı Malzemeleri A.Ş., Kaleseramik Sales Manager Tarkan Özdoğan, NSK Armatür Turkey Sales Manager Esat Sarıoğlu, Panel Shower Company Partner Cem Yılmaz and many guests attended.


In the program, a seminar program was held for the participants by various company officials. In his speech, Ali Kamburoğlu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kamburoğlu Yapı Malzemeleri A.Ş, said, “We have brought together water installation and ceramic masters and company representatives on the same platform, organized solution-oriented seminars and achieved many successes.


The construction industry has more than 200 sub-sectors connected to it. “The craftsmen who serve in this sector are as important as the manufacturer for the country’s economy, as they create a demand for the goods and services they produce. I congratulate all our craftsmen who have put their signature under the constructions that make them proud,” he said.The food program continued with the accompaniment of beautiful songs sung by the famous artist Arif Susam.


While the participants of the night were having fun to the fullest, those who attended the night had the opportunity to win many gifts at the gift draw held at the end of the night.