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ALTSO has something to do with Akdağ

ALTSO has something to do with Akdağ

After the Akdağ statement made by Alanya Deputy Mayor Tunahan Kasapoğlu yesterday, ALTSO Deputy Mayor Ali Kamburoğlu made a statement today. In his statement, titled Akdağ’s past and present, Kamburoğlu said, “ALTSO has something to do with Akdağ.”


In the statement from ALTSO with the signature of Ali Kamburoğlu , ” Akdağ , which started in the 1990s,Many studies, such as geological studies and planning studies related to the Ski Center, have been inconclusive due to legislative changes and lack of follow-up over the years. ALTSO management, elected under the presidency of Mehmet Şahin, accelerated the process that continued until 2013 and almost came to a standstill. “As Alanya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in 2013, the diversification of tourism product, alternative tourism types and Alanya tourism to 12 months. In the statement, it was stated that studies were carried out to spread the word and that AKDAĞ was a part of this activity, “The archives in Ankara, Antalya and Alanya related to the subject have been scanned. 17.02.Declared as a Winter Sports Tourism Center with the decree numbered 1994/6345 published in the Official Gazette dated 1995 and numbered 22205, it was determined that only the areas where the accommodation facilities subject to the tourism center would be built were taken into account in the planning study carried out in 2001.


Stating that it was carried out on the field with the Ministry of Forestry General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks Burdur 6th Regional Director Hasan Uysal, the relevant expert of the Ministry of Tourism Zeynep Bulut and an expert team on March 30, 2016, Kamburoğlu continued: “With the positive report prepared as a result of these studies, the requested The area was also separated as a recreation area and it was made ready for the revision of 1/25000 environmental plan and 1/1000, 1/5000 implementation and master development plans. It has been ensured that 42.89 hectares have been added to the recreation area of ​​322 hectares.This development is a historical milestone for the Akdag Project.If the area needed for the ski center had not been added, no one, including the authorized institutions, would not even be able to obtain preliminary permission for planning studies. This additional area has removed the obstacle to the construction of mechanical areas and facilities around the ski area.”


‘ It was stated that the appropriation was allocated to be used. In the statement, it was also emphasized that Akdağ’s status was changed with the initiatives of ALTSO.